Cheap Flights for your Trips

* online tickets are searched using the Travelpayouts form. The site does not sell airline tickets. You can buy tickets on the official website of the company

Туту.ру - Reviews air ticket buyers

Ratings: 1
Reviews: 2
Rating: 4 of 5 - Reviews about buying tickets 2019

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All Reviews

a guest   30.12.2017
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I ordered a ticket for Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk-Moscow, order number AHFRLM, but there was a mistake in the last name Liudmila Zvazhii, at the end of the last name is the letter L, which must be deleted.
a guest   27.06.2017
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We bought both train and plane tickets. There were no problems except the fact that the support service does not work around the clock.